Feb 3, 2020

LANCK Telecom at CIS 2019 GCCM and our article in the GCCM Magazine

At the end of the previous year, our team has travelled to Almaty, Kazakhstan to a global telecom meeting organized by Carrier Community – CIS 2019 GCCM.
The meeting featured several panel discussions and keynote speeches. Our representatives took an active part in a panel discussions session on topic “Wholesale Industry in the Digital Age – Challenges and Opportunities Emerging from Data Hungry Products and Services”.

At the same time, Igor Skutsenya, LANCK Telecom’s business development manager, delivered a speech & presentation on RCS, Fraud Management and the carriers’ need to implement new products and adapt to the ever-changing market environment.

Several months after the meeting, Carrier Community has published a magazine, featuring an article by Igor. The article is a summary of Igor’s speech at the CIS 2019 GCCM event in Almaty.

You can read the article on the CC website here (page 17).

Carrier Community has also shared the magazine in their social media: Linkedin and Facebook.


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